Subscriptions can be adjusted to match the number of people you want to have at any time. Just select the number of users you need and how you would like to pay for the subscription and the payment can be done by credit card immediately. Otherwise ring us and subscriptions can be done either by bank transfers or in case of larger companies, a purchase order may be issued.
When you have entered a number of registered users the system will help decide on a subscription plan for you. It is usually within the number range you have, however always predict the actual number of users you will have on the system and launch the new product to your whole organization at the same time. It is always good to select a few test users and let them try the system in the 30 day trial period. See what you can save by subscribing to HSEQ Manager. (Possible savings)
Create your company subscription by sliding the slide bar for the amount of users required and checking the boxes on options currently available.

Users & Company Profile
First step is to update the company profile and ensure that all the contact detail is correct. Upload your company logo and enter all your detail correctly. Select your company logo in a JPG format and upload. This logo will be displayed all your printable documents.

You may add any amount of users to the account. Note that there are two types of users – i) Administrators, ii) Reporters. The reporters are regular users that will be using the system on a daily basis. An administrator on the other hand has the same access as a reporter, but will have access to settings which will affect the

The newly added users will receive an email and will be required to verify their account, add a password and then access the account on the app or on the website. Click this article for more detail on how to add users.