New module "Documents" is now available for use. The module features an online and in-app ability to view important documents such as:
- Company policies
- Guidelines
- Management plans
- Risk registers
- Safe work method statements
- Plant manuals
- and many more - just add a folder and documents
Each folder can be granted certain access privillages according to the sensitivity of the documents, and mainclude access as follows:
- Full access for everyone (public)
- Administrators, users and contractors (and also ability to select which contractors have access)
- Administrators and users
- Administrators and power users
Further, you are able to allow upload by users or/and contractors. Ability to search for a document and available space limited to 2 GB and further space can be purchased as required.
Provide your team with the documents where and when they need them. The module will be available on app soon.
See more here