For administrators and Power users:
Some changes introduced on how we deal with actions. There is a requirement that each Project/Division to have a supervisor and each action should have a responsible person assigned. To incorporate these key people we have made the following changes:
- A Supervisor can be selected for each Project/Division. (Setting - Project/Division);
- A responsible person can be selected for a new action. The Administrator can select and add a responsible person for each action (Action management);
- Set priority
- Set due date
- Upload images or other documents to provide proof
- Add comments when closing the action
- The Supervisor will receive an alert message via email for all new actions;
- Who can edit action - administrators, power users and supervisor of the Project/Division;
- An action can be closed by administrators, power users, supervisor and resposible person of the Project/Division;
- Any user or a contractor can add comments to an action.