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Punch List Module

The module is designed to list any outstanding items required to be completed for a successful handover of a project. 

Step 1 - Setting up the project:

  1. Add users (own and contractors) that will be working on the project. (Users) Select 
  2. Add Contractors that will be working for your company (Settings > Contractors)
  3. Set up your new project (Settings > Projects) and add the Contractors that will be working on the Project

Your team may include users working directly for your company and Contractors that are associated with your company.

Step 2 - Punch List Settings:

  1. Here you define the Project criteria. Go to Modules > Punch List > Settings where you will see report field that can be changed to suit your Company. 
  2. Next - choose your project and add Project Data - Location & Services.
  3. Go back to users and ensure that Contractors are set to the correct Company.
  4. Click save. Note that Locations & Service types can be added at any stage.

Step 3 - Creating a Punch List items:

  1. On your app (or on the website) select the Punch List Module and select New Report.
  2. Fill in the report. Remember to capture as much detail as possible. Project, Location, Service type, Issue type, Description, Due date, Photos, Status, Recipients. 
  3. Recipients is where you assign the Punch List item to a specific user for them to complete. You can assign additional recipients. 

Step 4 - Closing out Punch List Items:

  1. A Contractor can log in to the website and change the status a Punch List item to Ready to Inspect or Work Done.
  2. Once an item is completed the administrator can mark it as Ins Dispute or Closed. In dispute is when a user has not completed the item to the correct standard or it may be that the item may be the responsibility of another Contractor.
  3. All items can be filtered by Project, Issue Type, Due Date, Status, Assigned to. Project Managers can filter and export their Punch List items to PDF, Excel or CSV formats.
