Contractors & Suppliers module is to provide the company with a single location or register for all suppliers and contractors working for your organisation. Supplier or contractor detail is required to be filled in:
- Select type - contractor or supplier
- Company detail
- Risk level - this is to indicate wheether the organisation need to provide supervision when the supplier or contractor is engaged.
- Audit information can be set - reminder notofications will be sent
- File upload - to store any files such as audits performed, insurance certificates and more.

Linking accounts
Your organisation will be able to link with a contractor by sharing an invitation link with that company. Click on the button "Get invatation link" and copy the link to an email. Send this link to the contractor and once they are registered, you will be able to see their data for the project/division in which they operate.

Advantages of linking accounts
- The contractor's reports are seen immediately
- Transparancy on your project
- More data means more accurate statistics
- No need to add contractors into the HR Module
- Access to contractors employees training records
- No extra cost to your subscription
Future update planned
- Insurances - upload certificates with an expiry date
- Audit/evaluations - ability to evaluate the supplier or contractor
- Suspend supplier/contractor - without deleting the company