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User types in your team

Different type of user can be selected, and each account type has a slightly different access status. The different types of users are:


Users have limited functions - this is restricted to viewing documents that they have created or those issued to this class of user. 

Power user:

More advanced functionality to this class of user and is likely to be allocated to management levels or senior project team members. A Power user have full access to data of all modules, can edit and delete any data, can edit users (like administrators), but they don't have access to pages found in the settings of modules, subscription data, payments data, etc.


Contractors that are involved on your project are allocated a different class of access. Their access is restricted and will only be able to view information on projects/divisions to which they have been granted access to.


All the above and can edit subscriptions, create templates and add, edit new employees. The administrator has full access to all areas of the site.