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Advanced Dashboard Module

Advanced Dashboard module explained

1. What does this module do

This module tracks all the reports and converts the data into understandable graphical information that can be exported and copied onto internal reports. Generally this information can be used by management to track compliancy and how the company is tracking against Key Performance Indicators.

2. Creating your report

The data can be selected and customized to create a report. Each report can either be a bar chart or a pie chart. The following types of reports are available:

3. What do you do with the date

The data can be used for tracking and measuring your company Key Performance Indicators (KPI's). For example - you have set a new target to all your employees to raise at least 4 hazard observations a month. Now you can track this with a click of a button and immediately see who has achieved the set targets and who has not.

3. Adding this module to your subscription

If this module is not available for your company ask your administrator to select the module on the subscriptions page and add it to your HSEQ Manager app toolbox.