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HSEQ Module

HSEQ Module explained

1. What can this module do

This module is designed to allow the user to capture all health, safety, environmental events that may occur. The module allows the user to select from a variety of forms that suits the event and with a few clicks a report can be generated and shared. The reports include the following:

Health, Safety & Environment 

Quality Management

These forms is designed to record the required information in order to comply with the minimum criteria necessary to create a report. 

2. Setting up templates

Each form has a template that can be modified in order to capture all the information you may require. To edit a template select the Settings button that appears on the module page (Note that users cannot edit templates)

The table will show all the fields that are currently included in the template. Note that there are some fields that cannot be deleted from the template as they are essential to record the minimum amount of data to create an entry.

More fields can be added to create your own unique template.

Current fields for an accident/incident report is:

Other fields that are helpful and important is shown below and can be added and named to allow the user to follow a simple step-by-step form:

Each field can be specified with a special attribute - these are:

3. Using the module

Like all the other modules, this module is the basis of all HSEQ reporting and all users will have access to this module on their smartphones or using their login on a computer. 

Each new report will have a unique document number and also have a digitally signed ID that identifies the device that was used for creating the report. 

The user has the option to select recipients for the specific report once submitted. The user can also save the report as draft to submit later.

4. What happens to Actions created in the reports

All reports have some form of action that will require attention by a responsible person. In the design of the system all actions created is captured in a register that can be filtered by Project, Recipient or Status. If this module is not available for your company ask your administrator to select the module on the subscriptions page and add it to your HSEQ Manager app toolbox.

5. Data collected - insight

Data allows us to determine where things go wrong - this can be in the form of lead or lag indicators. Data is also useful to determine statistics. Statistics can be viewed on the Summary page where the reports generated - these include (sample report)

  • Reports by Project
  • Reports by type
  • Reports by users

Advanced Dashboard summary the administrator will be able to use the information to determine essential statistics for improvement.