Action Management Module explained.
1. What is Action Management

Action Management is synonymous with business improvement and is a methodology of managing the operational actions that managers and staff need to do to drive better business performance and achieve "business excellence".
HSEQ Manager allows you to keep track of all actions created to enable the company administrators to act as required.
2. How to create Action Fields in your reports
You can add the action field to a new templates with action fields that allows the user to add any action. The data within a report will then be transferred to the Action Management module where all actions are listed making it easy to access and monitor.
Health, Safety, Environment, Quality & Registers modules have the Action Management field included in the template creation process. The Action Field box can be selected for the following types of fields:
- Long text
- Short text
- Lists
- Yes/No
- Yes/No/NA
The Inspections module all field are equipped with an action is added automatically so you don't have to create or tick a box when a new Inspection template is added.
3. What happens to Actions
Actions is captured in the Action Management register - all on one page that can be filtered by Status, Project or User for more detail. The report "Status Closed" is displayed as Yes or No. So what happens to an Action that is still Open - the Administrator can do one of the following:
- Close out the Action as completed
- View the report that contains the Action
- Add additional recipients to complete the action
- The actions can be closed out from the app by the recipient
- Export the action register to Excel, PDF or CSV formats
- Export single actions
4. Adding this module to your subscription
On the home page go to Subscriptions and select the module by ticking the box. The module will be added to your management system which will allow you to operate, analyze, improve and then implement changes.